18 June 2019

Why write about dragons? Introduction to my blog!

Todd McCaffrey from his website, "The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey".
 The above is Todd McCaffrey's "Spirit of Anne McCaffrey, taken from his blog, The Pern Pages.

 If you haven't read any of Anne McCaffrey's "Dragonriders of Pern" series, this blog will make no sense to you.
I recommend them to you. Read them NOW.
I'll be waiting for you to return.

If you'd prefer a nutshell synopsis: Anne McCaffrey's series, "The Dragonriders of Pern" is a trio of books describing a planet, Pern, that has been colonized by earthlings. One native Pern creature, a small flying lizard, was transformed into a large, flying, fire breathing dragon that can teleport (called 'between') and is telepathic. Young people between the ages of 16 and 24 are chosen (called Searched) to bond with the dragons when they hatch (called Impressing).
They live in Weyrs (as opposed to holds, which are homes to nobles who raised livestock, grow crops, etc, that support the weyrs. Craftsmen such as miners, weavers, etc, live in Craft halls).
The planet is plagued by a wayward planet called the Red Star. This planet has no life but in it's wake is a organism that is called "Thread". This organism is lifeless until it enters an oxygen atmosphere, such as Pern's, where it transforms into a nasty little thing that attempts to grow in the soil, but burns and destroys any living thing it comes in contact with.
Dragonriders guide their dragons in mid air to burn it before it hits the ground.

There is a fourth book that was added years later, called "All the Weyrs of Pern" that describes the Pernese discovering the original landing base and collection of buildings built and inhabited by the original colonists. In it is a computer named Aivas which re-awakens when the Pernese discover it.

Earlier this year, needing a break from the insanity that is America today, I re-read Anne McCaffrey's "Dragonriders of Pern". I'd not read them in 35 years. I'd forgotten what a fascinating world Pern was, and how incredible dragons are.

I even found more recent books that fleshed out dragons, their riders, and other Pernian things.

When I was done…I wanted more. 

The problem is, Anne McCaffrey died in 2011. Her son, Todd, took over and has written more, but I wanted Pern as she wrote it. 

I discovered what they call "fanfiction". The Internet had come into being between my first and most recent reading of McCaffrey's world, and now there is a way to actually write my own dragons. Todd's webpages post many of his mother's later letters. One of them gives passionate fans permission to write about Pern as long as they obeyed several dictates: that one obey copyright laws; follow the characteristics of people and dragons in her books already established (in other words, nothing like unicorns or aliens allowed), don't make changes to any of her characters; don't advertise or in other ways attempt to make money off her creations, and no repeat NO porn.

I found one website club of 'dragonriders' but after a few months, couldn't stomach the moderator who seemed to consider herself Anne McCaffrey, reincarnated, so I boarded my dragon and flew away. I landed here.

By the way. Purists and the fanfiction website set up by evangelical zealots (like the one I left) don't want to hear this but:
Anne McCaffrey plagiarized a map from a book titled "Islandia", by Austin Tappan Wright. Her Southern continent is Wright's Islandia. The original book and map was published in 1944. McCaffrey turned the map upside down (making the shores of Southern facing North rather than South, as Wright had it)...but it's still the self same map. "Islandia" was a cult sort of book during the 70's. I tried to read it and if you ever need to get some sleep, reading three pages of Islandia should knock you out.

The one thing I have changed in my dragon rider blog book is I use the word 'horse' instead of McCaffrey's clunky "runner".

Because it is a book in blog form, I have to lay groundwork for my stories, so please, excuse the extensive base I've blogged before I actually get to the name and direction of this blog. Nomads will come. Just read, get to know my continuation of Pern, and enjoy.
Comments are welcome but keep it clean.

1 comment:

Martine said...

Hello! I am a HUGE Anne McCaffrey fan! Dragonquest was brought home from uni by my sister and was definitely the first 'adult' book I read. Dragons mated and people Did Stuff! I was 13 or 14 at the most and was just blown away by the whole concept (especially the implied sex!)
I devoured the series and most other McCaffrey novels. One of my favourites was Restoree, not as well known but a staggering book.
I did find that as she aged, her storylines became formulaic and her writing less prosaic, but I continued to devour them nonetheless.
I shall tune in and out of your blog as I have time... be back later for the first chapter.