Chap. 216 Opportunity
After a hearty breakfast, K'ndar headed for Landing's Flight Ops to check the weather before heading home to Kahrain.
We're not going back to that place? Raventh said, meaning Shawn's last hideout.
No. I don't really see the need for it. I'm sure M'rvin has everything under control.
The wing is already back at the Weyr, save for Kenth and F'mart. They are still there with his subwing.
I expected that
He stepped into Landing's Flight Ops. It was a smaller office than the one at the weyr, but had datalinks that covered the entire planet's weather.
Still, they used a chalkboard for daily assignments of the relatively few dragons on staff, as well as updated weather.
He was reading the board for Kahrain Steppe Weyr when he heard a familiar voice.
"Hi, K'ndar! Haven't seen you in a while!"
It was Risal, the geologist. Something went ping in his heart.
"Hi! You're right, it's been ages, what? How've you been?"
"Oh, you know how it is. Busy. Just like you, I imagine. So, you brought in dead Shawn!"
"Doesn't take long for word to get out, eh? Yeah," he said.
"He attacked you and you shot him with a crossbow?" she asked.
"What!! Oh, shards, no. Where did THAT come from? No, no, no. I WITNESSED him being shot with a crossbow, through Siskin's eyes. I wasn't even close to him."
Siskin chirped at hearing his name.
He reached up and gave the blue a scritch. "Yes, little lad, it was YOU that saw it all, isn't that right."
Risal said, "Oh. I heard that you'd shot him. But I heard it fifth or tenth hand. Gossip, you gets things all changed round. No matter, you're a hero."
He felt small. "Me? A hero? I did nothing."
"Well, maybe not a hero, but there's plenty of folks here saying Shawn had it coming and they're happy he's dead. Word has it he had a wagon load of artifacts in a private cave."
Dismayed, K'ndar said, "Risal. That's not what I said or witnessed. This is crazy, I did nothing but find his raider's lair and see him get shot. I didn't see anything other than him, no pile of loot, nothing."
He ran his hand irritably down his
face to his chin. "How does this stuff get so screwed up?
She waved her hand. "No matter, K'ndar, it's okay.'re heading back to your weyr?"
Something in her eye made him wonder if that's what he wanted to do. He'd forgotten how much he'd liked her, right from the start. He'd enjoyed showing her Kahrain.
He sighed. "Yes, for now, I guess. I'm not sure what my weyrleader or Lord Dorn want, I discovered the lair but now I'm ready to...well, go home to my weyr, get a shower and write up my journal. AND I have to make an official report. So, yes, I guess I am heading back."
"I enjoyed meeting your friends at your weyr, well, except for Lindea, I'd like to do that again. she said, "But I have duty every other day for the next week. And tomorrow I've got plans, it being a rest day."
He wondered what sort of plan she might have, then shelved it. "Oh, Lindea's okay now, Risal. I explained to her that we were just friends."
A look flashed in her eye that said something he was unable to fathom.
"And she believed you?"
He looked at her. He nodded.
"Yes, after I told her...well, I don't like to gossip, Risal, see how a little bit of gossip turns me bringing Shawn in dead into me killing him? I will say, though, that Lindea-well, we've been friends from day one at the Weyr. She's a lovely girl, kind and sweet natured, but she wanted us to marry or be weyrmates and have kids. And I told her one, I'm not ready at all to settle down, and two, I don't want children. Ever."
Risal nodded. Her eyes lit up with agreement.
"You're right about gossip. As for not having kids, I don't want 'em, either. I can't see myself being a mum," she said. "Not that I dislike kids, but it seems there's still the cultural expectation that land bound women, non-dragon riders, are supposed to reproduce and just stay home, not be a scientist. There's a lot of resistance against Just Two, even though it makes so much sense to control our population. It's one of the reasons I'm so glad to be here.
Landing isn't a dragon weyr, where women ride dragons and can lead weyrs, with someone else fostering their kids. But it's not a Hold or a cothold, either. Here, women can pursue a career. Like me, I'm a geologist as well as working Flight Ops. I like it. If I'd stayed home my father would have had me married off by now to some farmer or crafter, and my mum would be breathing down my neck to start providing her with grandbabies."
He laughed. He liked her a lot more than he expected. He felt relief, and...something else.
"My mum is the same,"
he said, "She has two grandkids, and both my brothers are fully
on board with "Just Two" kids. So at most she'll have four.
Last time I was home, she was dropping hints on
my head like a quorl dropping redtree nuts. Not coming out and saying
it but wanting me to settle
down and start a family. I
don't know how to break it to her. I feel sorry for girls, sometimes,
like my sister. So
much of Pern 'tradition' expects things of you
girls without asking you if
it's what you want! If Glyena wasn't being fostered at my weyr, my
mum would already be
looking for a nice boy for
her to take up with when
she's of age," he said.
They both looked at each other for several long moments, then both dropped their gaze, embarrassed.
She broke it first. "Right. So you'll be wanting weather for Kahrain?" she turned and picking up a pointer, tapped the chalk board reporting on the weyr's section on the planet.
"Looks pretty good, K'ndar, but there's a front building that I expect to see turn into rain tonight, and all day tomorrow. Further on out..."
Motanith says don't go. She says Francie is coming to Flight Ops right now. Don't leave, she says, until they talk to you Raventh interrupted.
"...I think the weather will clear enough for flying the day after..." Risal was saying. She turned to face him and saw the glazed look in his eye. She stopped, understanding, now that that glazed look on a dragonrider's face meant he was talking to his dragon.
He returned to her eyes. "Sorry, Raventh just told me Francie is coming here."
Several minutes later, Francie's three fire lizards arrived, with her right behind them.
She was out of breath.
"I swear, they must move Flight Ops further and further when I'm in a hurry, " she gasped.
"What's up? I got your message through Motanith," he said.
"I know, but I still wanted, may I speak with you privately?" Francie said.
"Uh....sure," he said, confused.
"If you'll excuse us, Risal?" Francie said.
"Uh, okay," Risal said, just as confused as K'ndar.
They stepped outside the office.
"Whew. I'm glad I caught you. I'm glad you didn't go home last night," Francie said.
"Is...something wrong?" K'ndar said, suddenly alarmed.
"No, no...honestly, it's something good. For you. If you want it," she said, her face wreathed in a huge smile.
"Our biologist, the staff biologist. She's a field biologist, like you, K'ndar. She's pregnant and has decided to return to her husband's home Hold. There's an opening, it means, we...Raylan needs to replace her, it's a permanent position, it's here at Landing. He was just informed this morning when she turned in her resignation. He wants you, K'ndar, we want you to take her position. Raylan wants you to come to his office, right now if you can, so he can 'formally interview' you, but he said ...oh, K'ndar, we all know you're a top notch biologist. She's looked at your data, your reports, and has always been impressed by your work. She's always said you are diligent and careful in your reports. You won't have a bit of trouble with the interview, you'd have a couple weeks with her so she can train you on how everything works. I'd be tickled, I know you'd like it here. You'd have free rein to ...oh, I shouldn't try to talk you into it. I just wanted you to talk to Raylan first before you talk to Lord Dorn," she said, still a bit out of breath.
K'ndar's jaw dropped in utter bewilderment. It was as if a silent explosion had gone off in his mind. Really? Really?
She took his arm.
"Come on. Listen to me, you don't want to lose this opportunity, K'ndar. I can see you wanting to think it over, that only makes sense, but...oh, shut up Francie!! I should let Raylan do the talking, he's the Science Division Chief, you'd be working directly under him," she said.
He allowed her to lead him back towards Landing's main office buildings.
Here? Me live and work here? NOT at Singing Waters? As staff biologist!!! What a great...what do I say to Lord Dorn? Am I being disloyal to him, going back on a promise? But I haven't talked with him, I haven't promised anyone anything. I don't even know for sure if working for him is what he wanted to discuss!
His mind was floundering. But there was also a blossoming feeling of excitement, of wonder at this amazing opportunity.
I would like it, I would have other dragons here
He felt his mind grasp Raventh's, seeking support. like the idea?
I do. I am happy at our Weyr but I know you want something different. I think you would be happier here than at Singing Waters. I know I would.
He felt a surge of gratefulness for their long talk the night before.
Landings' Field Biologist?
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