26 August 2019

Chap. 79 The Treasure Box

Chap. 79  The treasure box

K'ndar looked at what he considered treasure. Raylan had a box with 'two copies' of virtually every artifact in the collection K'ndar had found. Two molecular cameras, two solar panels, two folding "microbinos', virtually all the toys were there. 

Raylan grinned. "We're still working on copying the notebooks. The disks will take much longer. They're…they're incredibly informative. Each disk has a different subject. I believe the ancients called it "encyclopedia'. There are videos of the original colonists on one, music,I'm assuming from Earth and a place called "Eridani" which, again, I am assuming, is another star system. 

Then there's one with people, not from here. From Earth? Eridani? I don't know. But they had  hundreds of languages. There's a translator in the computer. Apparently, even animals talked in other worlds. Maybe earth."

"Like dragons?"

"No, I'm assuming it's like us. For instance, here's an example:

He typed into the data link to the Landing computer.

A video of a lion popped up. It was roaring, sounding very much the lions on Pern.

"They do, they do, sound just like that! It means something?"
"Apparently. At least, here's a translation:

The computer said, "From the Swahili.."Ichi yanani? Yangu yangu yangu."

"What is Swahili?"

"It's the name of a language. Like Pernese is our language."

"I think…I think I can hear it, but what…does it mean?"

"The computer says that in Pernese, it means "Whose land is this? Mine, mine, mine."

"I don't hear it like that…but…like the shift Jansen had to make? Maybe that's why it doesn't sound quite like that. But…why don't OUR earth evolved animals talk?"

"Dolphins talk."

"That's right, they do, they speak Pernese."

Raylan scratched his head in puzzlement. 

"I don't know. Maybe I'm reading this all wrong."

"Maybe they've been talking to us all this time and we just don't have the translator?"

"That would make sense. Maybe I'll record our animals and see what the computer says they're saying."

"Maybe it will be "I'm hungry" or "get off my back, you lout." K'ndar said, laughing.

Raylan laughed, too. "Ever have a dragon say that?"

"No. Well, not mine. We get along great."

"Francie's green gets awfully sassy with her at times. Sometimes I think she needs a good spanking."

"You'd never catch her. And greens are like that. They're full of fizz, that's for sure."

"Well, I can see the disks all by themselves are going to keep techs like me and Jansen busy.  There is an awful lot of research we have to do. Mind you, I'm sure this is all in the Aivas computer, but as always, you have to know how to ask the question before the computer can answer it. The disks…are, well, like the tip of dolphins fin…there's a lot more dolphin under the water, all we can see is the tip."

K'ndar looked at the box. He felt rich, something he'd never felt about a thing in his life. 

"The data links accounts with Landing?"

"They're all set up, like you asked. I've programmed them to respond when someone types in "Kahrain Steppe Weyr. There's even a tutorial..a program that teaches the user how to make it work. But Rendel, your harper, has been here, working hammer and tongs to learn how to use the computer. He's got plans to teach the kids. He even wants to have kids brought here for training. Would you be willing to transport kids on your dragon?"

"As long as my sister is one of them, no problem. She's like a starving dragon, wants to learn everything she can. Sort of like me…"

"I think you'll find that the kids pick this up like a sponge soaks up water. They learn it FAST, far faster than adults. She'll probably end up teaching you!"

"No problem. She's a good kid. She works hard and like you said, she wants to LEARN."

Raylan made sure everything was packed in so that it would survive between and flight.

"Um…I'd like to apologize for Shawn's treatment of you and your weyrleaders, last month. He's the best at his job, but he's all gas and ash when it comes to working with people. Elene, though, will probably come out and kiss you. That was very, very kind of you, to insist on making these things available to everyone."

"You don't have to apologize for Shawn. I knew he was a jerk the first time I met him. I was more than happy to work with you and Jansen. And as for Elene…well, she's …like a mother, you know? She's been more than generous to me, I can't not be that in return."

"She's a sweetheart, that's for certain. Speaking of Shawn, I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. It was like you came in knowing what he was going to say and do before he did. You certainly know how to drive a hard bargain. He was beside himself, and we were, quite honestly, afraid that he was going to hide these things and sell 'em to Toric. Where in Pern did you learn that?"

K'ndar laughed. "Well, I kind of learned the hard way, almost getting shafted by some shysters at the Hold's Market. But I was taught by a master trader and my brother…so I suppose you could say it runs in the blood?"

"It shows. I shouldn't have to say this, but please, if you ever find anything else, please ask for ME specifically, or Jansen, before Shawn sees a thing."

"Um, funny you should mention that. I do have something I found, I can't remember where, now. The beach? Anyway, I've been carrying it around all this time, wondering what it is."
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the stone with the 'thing' embedded in it.

Raylan took it, looked at it curiously.

"I think this is what is called a 'fossil'. This rock has this ancient creature embedded in it. You'd have to talk to a 'geologist' or a 'paleontologist', none of which are here at landing, to explain it…but now that you have the datalinks, you can  look it up. But for now, let's have the computer take a look at it."

He placed it on the scanner. It dithered for a while, trying to place it. Finally it said,
"Portion of a molar (tooth) from a ruminant, age: approximately 50,000 years BP. Unable to provide more data."

"Fifty thousand years! Wow." K'ndar picked it up. It felt as if it'd grown heavier, just from age. 
He ran his finger over the tooth.  "What does BP mean, before people?"

"Before Present."

"I know a ruminant is a cow, or a sheep. So there were cows here 50,000 years ago?"

"Well, not mammalian ones. May I…."

"Keep it? Yes. As long as it goes into the database and then the rock goes into the 'museum'?"

"Well, I wasn't going to ask to keep it, but I'll say yes before you change your mind. Jansen is working on building the museum.  And you read my mind, yes, thank you. I will make sure it's cared for and exhibited in the future."

Just then Elene came out. She stopped for a moment, a look of pleasure on her face, then came around the bench to give K'ndar a hug.

"You, K'ndar, are wonderful. Thank you SO much for your donations to the library! You cannot imagine how valuable they will be, how much they will help in our quest to learn more. Such a sweet you are," and she gave him a motherly peck on the cheek.

"I'll keep you in mind the next time we print a science book," she said. 

"And I'll keep you informed as to the notebooks," Raylan said. 

He held the box tightly against his chest as he and Raventh launched. 

When they reappeared above the weyr, he realized how happy he was, how much he loved being a dragonrider with time to DO things, rather than fight thread.

I like it, too. Fighting Thread was what we were born to do, but now I want to go places, do things, …learn more.

The thought suddenly hit him…it had been a good six weeks since the last time Raventh had had to chew and swallow firestone. In that time, it seemed his speech, as it were, was improving at a fast clip. He was more..more intelligent?  Like he was Glyena, absorbing things 'like a sponge'.

I'm doing more thinking?

Yes. You seem more thoughtful. More curious, more..oh, I don't know the word. 

When I was eating firestone, it would make my mind all foggy. Foggy, like the mist or like clouds. Now my mind is clear like the sky. I can think and remember better. Especially remember. I didn't know it when I was eating firestone but now I can think the difference

Feel the difference. But maybe 'think differently' is the phrase. Or, think more clearly. Like the sky. I like it. But you always were a smart dragon.

Raventh smiled

"Hello, the weyr? Sir? K'ndar, here?" He moved past a sleeping Corvuth. Only when you were in confined quarters with a bronze did one realize how big they were.

D'nis came out of his quarters, rubbing his head dry with a towel. 

"Come on in, son, what can I do for you??

"Sir, I just came back from Landing and would like to ….to let you have your pick of the things I had copied from the artifact capsule."

D'nis's jaw dropped.  "REALLY?"

"Of course, sir. What could I do with two of everything? I had full intentions of giving you and D'mitran whatever you might wish."

D'nis shook his head. "You are amazing, lad. How we ever lucked out in getting you, I'm not sure, but I’m certainly glad it happened. This wasn't necessary."

"I know, sir, but…" K'ndar shrugged. "Mum taught me to share."

"She was a good one, your mum."

"Oh, AYE."

"Are you certain, K'ndar? Did you go through it first?"

"Well, if you and D'mitran don't want one, I'm going to keep a binocular, if nothing else. I would like a datalink, but I think it's only fair that the weyr library gets them both. But I'll see."

"That is generous of you, K'ndar." D'nis felt a swell of gratefulness. He hadn't admitted it to anyone, but the camera…ah, that camera. The moment he saw it, he KNEW he had to have one. But….he hadn't found the capsule and he was too proud to beg. And he had no money to buy one. 

"If you don't mind, I'd like a camera, please?"

"By all means, sir. Take your pick."

D'nis reached into the box and took out a camera. It felt…like treasure. Like it had been made specifically for him. He shook his head.

"K'ndar, I don't know how to thank you."

"You just did."

Doubt crossed D'nis face. "But you know, you've given me a problem, K'ndar."


"I've not the faintest idea how to use it."

"Guess you'll have to go to Landing for that, sir."

D'nis grinned.

K'ndar was about to leave when a thought hit him.

"Sir, I notice that several dragonriders have left the weyr. There's a vacant second level weyr that faces the ocean. Would it be possible…?"

"For you to move into it? You don't have to ask for that. Tell Hariko.  Any specific reason why?"

"Well, sir, I loved living in the beach weyr, but I don't see them being rebuilt anytime soon. So I would love to at least be able to see the ocean in the mornings, when I get up."

D'nis laughed. "If we get the influx of riders I thought we might, we just might have to rebuild those beach weyrs. If we do, you get first pick."

Make it soon

K'ndar repeated Raventh's comment.

They laughed.

1 comment:

Broompuller said...

Very nice. I like a happy tale now and then.