Chap. 23 The Volunteer
It was a perfect day for a rest day. The morning was still
fresh and cool.
The Weyrlings, after caring for their dragons, were outside
the dining hall, discussing what they planned on doing. Swimming, sleeping, hobbies,
hunting, spoiling their dragons rotten…they, like everyone else, made the most
of a rest day.
D'nis was seen talking to B'rant, who was lingering over his
klah in the dining hall.
Soon after, he came out to his class, obviously with a plan
for them. On a rest day? Some instinct told them that it might not be good
news. But they stood fast-he was, after all, THEIR Weyrlingmaster.
"I'm sorry to say this," he said to the group,
"but I need a volunteer for a task that may take all day."
Hmmm. With some resentment…they'd HAD their tasks all week-eyes
were suddenly searching for anything to look at save his face. Feet shuffled,
minds raced, looking for any excuse.
K'ndar heaved a huge sigh. He had nothing planned, and
sometimes found the rest day to be boring. As long as it wasn't cleaning the
latrines, he'd be glad of something to do other than just sit around.
He raised his hand with a resigned shrug. "I'll do
it." The other boys snickered.
K'ndar wasn't very smart, was he?
"Thank you, K'ndar," B'rant looked at the rest.
Shaking his head, he said to the rest, "You still don't trust me, eh? But I
know. "Never volunteer for anything," is a phrase that has come down
to us from the very first settlers. And you all should know by now that
sometimes, a volunteer comes off the best."
He grinned at K'ndar.
"K'ndar, D'nis needs to go to Singing Waters Hold to
meet with Lord Dorn. He is also taking Hariko, who needs to pick up some things
at the Hold's Market Day that we just don't normally get here. YOU, K'ndar, are
assigned to help her gather and load them onto the dragons. Once that task is
done, you will have to wait until D'nis's meeting is done. You are free, then,
to wander the Market at will."
K'ndar leaped into the air with a WOOHOO! B'rant looked at
the rest, eyebrows lifted with a 'told you so' look. They looked chagrined.
"From now on," Sinala said to herself, "I'll volunteer,
He still could not
get over how big a bronze dragon was. Corvuth was enormous, compared to
What is this stuff? Raventh asked, as K'ndar tacked him up with
extra boxes and baskets.
Just transport duty.
We're going to Singing Waters Hold for supplies
With Corvuth, too?
Of course.
He's my sire
I know that, silly
He'd surreptitiously watched D'nis tack the bronze up. It
was odd, he thought, his Weyrleader was held in such high regard he was almost
mythical, yet here he was, tacking up like any other dragonrider.
D'nis, too, watched K'ndar's actions closely as the Weyrling
packed the wicker baskets and boxes Hariko was bringing. "You do that
well, K'ndar."
"I have a good teacher, sir," K'ndar replied
"Aye, you do. But it's plain as the wings on a dragon
that you've packed beasts before."
Shyly, almost embarrassed, K'ndar nodded. "Yes, sir, I
"Who would you like to ride, Corvuth or Raventh?"
D'nis asked Hariko.
"I think I'll ride on Raventh, he's not so tall as
Corvuth", she said. She needed help getting aboard, even with Raventh's
lowered knee.
"My bones, they aren't what they used to be," she
complained, not seriously.
D'nis, who'd strapped her in, patted her leg affectionately.
"My dear Hariko, this weyr would be helpless without
you. No matter if your bones give out, we'll find a way to keep you on your
feet." Once she was safely strapped
in with the boxes and wickers behind her, K'ndar strapped in ahead of her.
It wasn't her first time aboard a dragon, but
even so, when Raventh leaped skyward she was thrown backwards into the wickers.
Even K'ndar was surprised at the power of the launch. In a way, he was grateful that he and Raventh
were both "small." Learning. Growing accustomed to each other.
"Sorry!" he called back to Hariko, who'd grabbed
his middle to keep her steady.
"It's okay," she said, "he's just a
youngster, like you. Long as I stay in the middle, like my father used to
Too much...leap?
I think so, but it's
It is more weight, I
was unbalanced. I thought I'd need that extra… strong. I'll be better next
"Effort" Corvuth told him.
Effort. Extra effort Raventh
K'ndar knew Corvuth was teaching Raventh vocabulary. He
appreciated it. So did Raventh.
The two dragons flew high into the sky until they had a
clear view all round.
"K'ndar," D'nis called from Corvuth's back,
"have Raventh take the coordinates from Corvuth. Visualize them from him.
Tell me when you're ready".
He knew that they were still learning to go between.
Did you hear?
Of course. Corvuth has
already visualized for me. Here, look in my mind
K'ndar could see Singing Waters hold in his mind, especially
seeing the dragonstones and the drums alongside them.
He committed them to memory.
"Ready, sir!"
"On my mark, three..two…one…between!"
And they went between.
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